
Back-to-School Prep: How to Set Your Child Up for Success

Aug 01, 2023
Back-to-School Prep: How to Set Your Child Up for Success
A lot of factors influence your child’s academic performance and success. Learn some tips to help your child prepare for schedule changes, homework, and other activities before the new school year starts. 

A new school year is right around the corner. Whether your child is just starting school for the first time or returning for another year of learning, there are things you can do to help set them up for success.

At American Pediatrics, we offer various medical services that support your child’s health and development. Our experienced pediatricians can also offer guidance to ensure your child has what they need to succeed academically and socially.

5 ways to prepare your child for a new school year

Many kids love going to school, but the school year can be challenging for some. Here are five quick tips our pediatricians recommend to get your child ready for school:

1.Schedule an annual physical

Annual physicals are a great way to start the school year off right. Preventive physicals allow our team to assess your child’s physical and emotional well-being before they head into the classroom.

If we identify potential health or developmental issues that can impact your child’s academic success, our providers can address them immediately. We can also provide the school with any resources your child might need to support their learning.

2. Get back on a consistent bedtime routine

As the carefree days of summer come to an end, it’s important to get your kids back on a healthy sleep schedule. Several weeks before the start of school, have your child start going to bed and waking up at the same time.

Ensuring your child gets sufficient sleep each night can prevent moodiness, meltdowns, and other issues when school starts.

3. Plan healthy breakfasts

Kids that eat a healthy breakfast typically maintain good energy levels throughout the day, keeping them focused on schoolwork.

Choose foods that contain proteins, fiber, and whole grains without added sugars. You can also keep fresh fruits and vegetables on hand for easy after-school snacking.

4. Participate in back-to-school events

If your child’s school offers open houses or other back-to-school events, make a point of attending them. Parents who stay active in their child’s school have many opportunities to support their child’s education and social development.

Meeting your child’s teachers and friends and learning about their schoolwork keeps everyone more connected. Your involvement can also support the needs of the school and make the year more successful for everyone.

5. Avoid unnecessary absences

It can be tempting to let your child miss school when they wake up irritable, but good attendance plays a role in your child’s academic success.

If your child does have a legitimate health issue, such as a fever or a stomach bug, you should keep them at home to prevent spreading the illness to others. Have a plan in place to get any missed classwork or homework so your child doesn’t fall behind.  

You may also need to schedule a sick visit at our office if your child has to miss several days of school because of an illness.

For more tips to support your child’s success in a new school year, call American Pediatrics in Irvine, Corona, or Eastvale, California, or book an appointment online today.