
4 Benefits of Circumcision for Boys

Jul 05, 2023
4 Benefits of Circumcision for Boys
If you’re expecting a boy, you’ll need to consider whether or not you want to schedule a circumcision soon after childbirth. Learn what’s involved in circumcision and some medical benefits the procedure offers for males. 

The decision to circumcise your newborn son is a personal one that you and your partner need to make soon after birth. While many people choose to move forward with circumcision because of tradition or cultural reasons, the procedure also offers several benefits for boys.

At American Pediatrics, our experienced medical team specializes in circumcision services for male children — from newborns to older boys. They perform the procedure in the office on an outpatient basis and monitor your baby’s recovery in the weeks after.

What happens during circumcision

Circumcision describes the surgical removal of the foreskin, a hood of skin that covers the tip of the baby’s penis.

During a circumcision, our providers lay your baby on his back and gently restrain their arms and legs. We clean the penis and surrounding skin before applying an anesthetic to the treatment area.

Once the area is numbed, our pediatricians attach a special clamp or plastic ring to remove the foreskin. We apply a topical antibiotic and petroleum jelly to your child’s penis and wrap it with a piece of gauze.

Typically, a circumcision takes about 10 minutes from start to finish for newborns. If you plan to circumcise an older child, the procedure may take longer and require general anesthesia.

4 key benefits of circumcision

Circumcision may often be done for cultural or religious reasons, but the procedure has several health benefits.

Here are four key benefits to consider when choosing whether or not to circumcise your child:

1. More convenient hygiene

Circumcision makes it easier for your child to wash their penis without taking special care with the foreskin.

2. Minimal risk for penile problems

Foreskin in uncircumcised boys can become difficult to retract, leading to inflammation in the foreskin or head of the penis.

3. Reduced risk for infections

Circumcised boys are less likely to develop urinary tract infections than those who are uncircumcised. There is also a lower risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

4. Lower cancer risk

Circumcision can reduce a boy’s risk for penile cancer later in life. The procedure can also lower risk factors for their female partner’s risk for cervical cancer.

When circumcision may not be an option

While risk factors associated with circumcision are minimal, some boys may not be candidates for the procedure.

Babies born prematurely who require medical care after birth may not be able to undergo a circumcision. Your child may also not be a candidate if they are born with structural abnormalities in the penis or have underlying medical issues like a blood clotting disorder.

Our team at American Pediatrics can meet with you before your delivery date to discuss your options for circumcision in your newborn son. After childbirth, we can meet with you again — usually within 10 days of your child’s birth — to complete the procedure.

We also provide complete after-care services to ensure your child’s skin is healing. Through our newborn care services, we can provide all the resources you need to help you and your baby thrive in the first few weeks of life.

Call American Pediatrics in Irvine, Corona, or Eastvale, California, to schedule a circumcision consultation for your son or book an appointment online today.